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Netlfix now working with CyanogenMod 9 Alpha 2 for the HP TouchPad

Right after HP released the Android kernel source code for the TouchPad tablet, the folks at CyanogenMod were able to get hardware acceleration going for the tablet. A day later, they released CM9 alpha 2 which enabled Netflix streaming on the TouchPad.

With WiFi, audio, video and the Android Market working, maybe it is time for me to pull out my WebOs-powered TouchPad and flash some CyanogenMod goodness on it. Keep in mind that this version of the CM9 ROM isn’t final yet and a feature such as the camera isn’t working yet.

You can always wait for a more stable build of the CyanogenMod9 ROM in the near future. Otherwise, our good friend Brad Linder, has put up a nice step by step guide on how to install CM9 on the HP TouchPad here. Is yours still running on WebOS?

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