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Showing posts with label Google. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Google. Show all posts

Google Recruit Veterans Game for Android

Google opened a new position in the organizational structure which shows the seriousness of the company to get into the gaming...

Bing Presents 500 Percent Malware Much more Than Google

A search engine is not only able to deliver relevant search results . However , the search engines also can minimize the danger ...

Users Through Google Reader Protest Petition Online

Google plans to close popular services Google Reader turns reap a wave of protests from its users . Like what ? One form of pr...

G+ role in influencing the search results on Google

Confused why your site is very difficult to occupy the first page in Google Search Engine ? There's a good idea to start ...

Google will sack 1200 employees Motorola

Google plans to further job cuts in the company of their own mobile devices , Motorola. US-based technology company that is m...