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Google Glass Could Have Negative Effects Capabilities Reduce Eye view

Google Glass
As with other electronic devices, Google Glass proved to have negative effects for the body. And it was directly stated by Google. Quoted from Geek, use Google Glass could lead to a reduction in the ability of eye sight.

First, Google said that the homemade glasses can be dangerous for users who have under 13 years of age. In addition, those who had eye surgery is also not advisable to use Google Glass. If keukeuh want to wear it, Google also suggested that first consultation with a doctor.

Not only that, Google Glass is also a negative effect on those with normal sight. There was the possibility that Google users who have normal eye Glass experience dizziness or eye fatigue.

This problem was unlikely to be solved by Google in the near future. Therefore, I suggest that the use of Google Glass done slowly, especially if you experience dizziness or eye fatigue.

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