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The Talking Shoe, Shoe Besutan Google that Can Talk

The Talking Shoe
Google makes unremitting innovation, having introduced advanced eyewear "Google Glass", the Internet giant made ​​the duo Larry Page and Sergey Brin are re-introducing sophisticated shoe could talk "The Talking Shoe"

Sophisticated shoe that was introduced in the event of "South by Southwest 2013" in the city of Austin, Texas, United States was developed by a division of Google named Art, Copy & Code in collaboration with artist Zach Lieberman and YesYesNo.

The Talking Shoe

"This unique shoes are able to detect the movement of users, as well as able to respond to words. In addition, the shoe is equipped with features such as speakers, sensor, and gyroscope and accelerometer, "as reported by dailymail.

The Talking Shoe Concept was created with the ability to speak and can mengoneksikan activity of the user with the web. This sophisticated shoe could also detect the user's movement, and will depend on the data according to user habits are giving positive feedback and ideas. Variety spoken comments can be posted to the social networking site users. Google does not currently plan to stage the talking shoe marketing is, well, curious about these shoes could talk? We wait.

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