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Apple Prepare Game Controller for iOS Devices?

Game Controller
The company has now started looking at the potential of the technology of video games. If before Samsung released the attendance GamePad, now Apple will launch a gaming controller.

More recently, circulating the rumor that Apple will soon make a gaming controller that can be used to play video games on the iPad, Apple TV, and several other Apple products output.

This information comes from Pocket Gamer who said that Apple will hold a special meeting in the event with a number of developers Game Developers Conference (GDC) 2013 which was held in San Francisco, USA.

But until now, no one has claimed to have seen the device directly. However, Apple's developers claim if the company made ​​the late Steve Jobs was seeking support for this new controller.

DariPocketGamer Sources say that Apple has its own space at GDC 2013 to meet with game developers with a false name that is unknown by the media.

In addition to talking about gaming controller, the meeting was held to make sure the device is supported by many games at the time of its release later.

Many observers predicted that the gaming controller that will be officially announced at a media event at Apple's annual April 2013.

Reported by TechRadar, although this time may be quite satisfied with Apple's touch-based controller for gaming, but with the presence of the controller and console games from companies like Ouya and GameStick, not to mention the added GamePad from Samsung, Apple would not want to have to offer something more.

Until now Apple through a spokesman declined to comment on the news of the presence of this controller gaming device.

Apple is known as a company that is maintaining strict information every new product release that will not leak out.

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