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Transparent Desktop 3D Coming Soon

After some time ago appeared a transparent smartphone, desktop now turn transparent three-dimensional or 3D part. Desktop 3D SpaceTop bears the name, a graduate student dibesut by MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Jinha Lee. 

The Verge launch, Friday, March 1, 2013, a transparent desktop is designed to change the way users interact with personal technology. Lee made SpaceTop Desktop 3D is claimed will remove the two-dimensional barrier contained in the laptops and tablets today. 

Given transparent desktop is pretty magical. User's hand can reach into the inside of the desktop. Powered LED transparent, these devices combine gestures and 3D graphics that create an illusion of safety. 

Other features, which are the two cameras. The camera follows the movement of the user's hands to work, while the other camera to track eye movements of the user interface to adjust the angle. 

Therefore, the user can manipulate the icon or application by "touching" them from behind the screen, or can also be switched to a more conventional keyboard to manipulate 2D display.

Transparent desktop interface is presented Lee in the TED conference in Long Beach, California being held this week. At the same time, Lee also serves another project, ZeroN, magnetic system that allows objects to float. 

According to Lee, the two projects will mark the arrival of new technologies in terms of interface design, more aggressive convergence between the digital world and the physical world. 

Such convergence, added Lee, will open up more opportunities for multitasking, collaborative projects, and a variety of augmented reality experiences. 

"Programming the world will change physical activity daily," said Lee. "With two hands, we reach the digital world." 

For now, 3D SpaceTop still in the development stage. Lee did not say how long it takes to complete. The project is anticipated because it provides tangible benefits to the architect or designer on a 3D project collaboration. 

Lee also said the technology SpaceTop have a dramatic impact on the primary computing device. Let's wait for the game.

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