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The camera technology will likely UltraPixel Presented to Mobile HTC Low End

One feature that is proud of the new mobile phone HTC, HTC One feature is the camera called UltraPixel. This feature is also said to be capable of producing high quality images that will not be inferior to other smartphones shots.

Well, the latest news says that the feature is likely to be brought by HTC for low end phones. This was expressed directly by the head of HTC UK, Phil Robertson. Obviously, the embedding feature on other HTC mobile phone will become the competitiveness of attraction for consumers, especially those looking for a smartphone with a high quality photographic capability.

However, continued Robertson, likely will not feature the same features available on HTC One. The reason is none other than the presence of Snapdragon processor 600. So UltraPixel features to be presented by HTC at the low end of his handphone would not be as powerful on HTC One.

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