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Recognize term in Digital Cameras

Digital Cameras
Many people have a digital camera device. There are so many unfamiliar terms in a digital camera, such as megapixels, LCD, ISO, HDMI, SD, and other terms are confusing. Let's try to learn these terms so as not to choose the wrong digital camera.

16:9 ratio  
Size-dimensional images with 16:9 ratio for length and width. This size is suitable for display on a wide screen display. For example, you want to display on an HDTV or big screen television.
4:3 ratio
Size dimensions of photos or video of the most common, especially if you want to print or to appear on television non-wide screen, such as television tubes.


AF stands for Auto Focus. AF-Lock is used to lock the Auto Focus function.You do this by pressing the shutter button half until the focus is locked picture.This function is very useful, if you want to focus on the object you want to place it on the side. The trick is to focus first object at the middle, and slide the camera while pressing the shutter button half.


Aperture is the size of the camera aperture to determine how much light can enter and the image sensor in the camera.In the usual pocket camera aperture is set automatically by the camera system. While more sophisticated camera, can be set to manual or automatic.

Aspect Ratio 

Comparison of the size of a photo or video. The most common are 4:3 and 16:9 (wide screen).

Autofocus (AF) 

Autofocus or often abbreviated AF digital cameras is the ability to automatically create objects desired image becomes sharp or clear.
For digital camera beginners, this function usually is automatically activated. However, for sophisticated digital cameras, you can redirect the focus manually by adjusting the lens.

Automatic exposure (AE) 

Automatic exposure (AE) is a digital camera's ability to adjust aperture (see aperture) and shutter speed based on the surrounding light conditions.
Digital camera for beginners like compact cameras have had 3 or more different AE modes.

Burst Mode 

Burst mode is a feature of a digital camera to take multiple pictures at once in waktusingkat. Suppose you want to take 10 pictures at once within 3 seconds.Burst mode is especially useful when you want to take pictures of fast moving objects.Another term is the continuous shooting mode.


CCD (Charge Coupled Device), a chip in the camera that serves as the image sensor.CCD consists of millions of capacitors. Its function is when light enters the camera through the lens, the light will reach the CCD.
The technology is more popular today is CMOS.

CMOS Sensor 

CMOS (complementary metal-oxide semiconductor) image sensor in a digital camera consists of an integrated circuit to record an image.CMOS sensor consists of millions of pixels which includes a photodetector.
When light enters the camera, each photodetector will make electrical currents based on the intensity of the light that hit it.The digital camera will change the data of a pixel CMOS which ended up being a photograph.
CMOS to CCD substitute for faster and more efficient battery usage.

CompactFlash (CF) 

CompactFlash (CF) is one type of memory card used in digital cameras.
The function of the memory card to store photos and video that you have created.

Continuous shot mode 

Continuous shot mode, also known as burst mode, ie the ability of a digital camera to take a picture in a short time. For example, to take pictures of moving objects, you can take 10 pictures in 3 seconds with this mode.

Depth of Field (DOF) 

Depth of Field (DOF) to determine how far the object in front and behind the object that the focus can be seen clearly.
All the objects are further away or closer of the object in focus, will look blurry.


Digicam stands for digital camera or digital camera.

Digital zoom 

Digital zoom is a feature of a digital camera to enlarge (zoom) images using the software contained in the digital camera.
The way it works is to increase the size of the pixel.
The disadvantage is the image becomes sharp when do digital zoom. Digital zoom will make the image quality decreases.Much better if you use the optical zoom instead of using a digital zoom. But this method is the most convenient and inexpensive implemented in a digital camera.


SLR or single-lens reflex camera that is used by professional photographers. Digital version of the SLR camera called the DSLR.DSLR cameras are the most sophisticated type which is used for the experienced photographer.
Generally, on a DSLR, you can replace the lenses to suit your needs. Many techniques and features that you can do with a DSLR camera.


EXIF data is information about the resulting image, such as date, time, type of camera, and the camera settings.
EXIF data will be added in a file photo.

File formats 

File formats specify the types of files produced by a digital camera. Generally digital cameras produce files with JPEG format.
Some digital cameras can produce RAW and TIFF file formats.


Flash is an artificial light to enhance light when taking photos.
We are familiar with the term "flash" or "flash".

Flash memory 

Flash memory is data storage media used in digital cameras.
Flash memory card can retain stored data without the need for constant power.
There are various types and brands of flash memory. You need to make sure the type and brand of what is supported by your digital camera, if you want to store more images and to replace flash memory in your camera.
Other terms are memory card.

Focal length 

Focal length is the distance from the center of the lens to the focal point (leading lens).Generally measured by millimeter focal length, and generally equivalent to 35mm film.
If you want to take photos with a longer distance, then look for a camera with a larger focal length (number of millimeters larger). For example, to telephoto, generally photographers using cameras with a focal length over 70mm.

Frames per second (fps) 

Frames per second (fps) is usually associated with the video. Fps figures show the number of images to be displayed in sequence within 1 second. For example 30fps, the picture will be shown as many as 30 pieces of images in 1 second.
Generally fps which is still comfortably watch is 30fps.


HDMI (High Definition Multimedia Interface) is an interface to send digital pictures between devices.
Generally HDMI is used on an HDTV or computer. HDMI connector for easy video display to another device such as a computer or HDTV.

High-definition Video (HD Video) 

High-definition video, or abbreviated as HD video, a video with high resolution at least 1024x768 pixels.


LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) is a feature in most digital cameras. Generally located at the back of the camera.
Its function is to display the image to be photographed, to see photos that have been made, as well as to display the configuration menu for the digital camera.

Macro Mode 

Macro mode is a mode on a digital camera to take photos with a very close distance (close-up).
In macro mode, the camera will reset the camera lens and adjusts the flash intensity to create sharp images from close range.
is a digital camera that fashion photography sharp Allows for extreme close-up photographs. In macro mode, the camera resets its lens and adjusts the intensity of the flash to create sharp photos at close range.
Not all digital cameras offer a macro mode. The macro mode is something Usually you must select from the camera's menu.


Megapixel (MP) is equal to 1 million pixels. Pixel is the smallest element of an image in a digital camera.
Figures on the megapixels determine the resolution of a picture. A megapixel images with a greater, will have a higher resolution.

Memory Card 

Memory card is a data storage medium. Used to store the photos and videos you take with your digital camera.
There are a variety of sizes, types and brands of memory card. Make sure that before you can buy a new memory card to increase storage capacity in your digital camera.
Another term for the memory card are: flash memory.
A memory card is a small, flat, electronic device that fits inside a digital camera and is used to store the data about digital images. Several different types of memory cards exist, and digital cameras can only use a specific type or types. Each type is a different size, and most memory cards are not interchangeable.

MMC Card 

MMC (Multi Media Card) is a type of flash memory used to store data in digital cameras.
The more popular technology that is based on MMC is the SD Card.

Movie mode 

Movie mode is the ability of digital cameras to record video clips. Almost all digital cameras have this capability. Even some of which can record HD video.

Optical zoom 

Optical zoom is a feature of a digital camera to enlarge (zoom) the image by using the change in focal length of the lens.
So you have to set the camera lens to magnify the image.
Optical zoom is the best way to enlarge the picture because it does not change the picture quality as the methods used in digital zoom.
Optical zoom camera with a large, usually more expensive than digital zoom. For example, a camera with a 10x optical zoom will be more expensive than the camera with 2x optical zoom.

Panorama Mode 

Panorama mode is a feature where the photographer can unite or combine a set of photos into a picture of a scene that can be viewed entirely through 180 degrees and even 360 degrees.


Pixel is the smallest element in an image produced by a digital camera.
A pixel is actually a point or a very small box that is colored.
Millions of pixels arranged in an image so that it becomes a beautiful photo or video.

Pocket Camera 

Pocket camera or pocket camera, is a small camera that can fit in a pocket of your clothing, so-called pocket camera.
Commonly pocket camera is used for beginner photographers, since its use is simple, the method of "point and shoot". You just take a snapshot and you can instantly enjoy photos, without needing a lot of settings.

Redeye reduction 

Redeye reduction is the camera's ability to eliminate the red color that can appear in the pupil of the eye caused by flash reflection in the eyes of those who are the object image.


Resolution indicates the number of pixels in a digital camera. The greater the number of pixels, the sharper the resulting image.
But the number of pixels depends on the size of the memory card to store data. Because of the large size of the pixel, the more data storage space is also required.
Resolution or ordinary resolution indicated by a number followed megapixels or MP said. For example, 10 megapixels or 10 MP.
If you print a postcard sized photo, the camera is the size of a resolution of 2 MP is enough. But if you want to print a large size, you should choose a camera that has a larger MP.

SD Card 

SD Card is a type of flash memory used to store data in digital cameras.

Secure Digital High Capacity (SDHC) 

Secure Digital High Capacity (SDHC) is a type of flash memory used to store data in digital cameras.
SDHC technology is the development of the SD card with a storage capacity large enough.

Self timer 

Self timer is a feature of a digital camera to take photos automatically after a few seconds.
Photographers directing the camera and set the self timer, say 10 seconds, then after pressing the button, the photographer walked into the area to be taken.
After 10 seconds, the camera takes the picture automatically.


Viewfinder is used to view photos you will take.
There are 2 types:

  •     Optical viewfinder, which is usually located on the top rear of the camera, a small glass window. 
  •     Digital viewfinder, LCD usually located at the back of the camera.

Wide Angle 
Wide angle showed the ability of digital cameras to take photos with a wider field of view than human vision.
Of course by now you already know more about the various terms in your digital camera. Use the right and take the best pictures, and share with your friends that make your photos admiration.

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