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Glass Could Threaten Google Mobile Game

Atari Nolan Bushnell
Mobile games continues to grow as smartphones funds are also increasingly plagued tablet today. Atari founder, Nolan Bushnell, predicts that mobile gaming ledakam will end when the new technology arrives on the market.

Computing pioneer was convinced that discoveries such as Google Glass can be "eliminated" games such as Angry Birds, when it has become a commercial product. "Businesses create a whole game reinvented itself every five years. Past five years it has become" her day "mobile games and mini games, such as Rovio with Angry Birds and Zynga with Farmville., And later it will end," he said as quoted Bushnell Digital Spy.

Furthermore, he said that it would be interesting to create applications for the Google Glass compared to iOS and Android. "I'd rather be a part of the 100 applications for Google's Glass than one of 300 thousand (applications) for iOS and Android," he said.

Bushnell who co-founded Atari with Ted Dabnet in 1972, he is currently working on a variety of educational software projects through his role as Chairman and CEO BRAINRUSH.

Atari was a pioneer in arcade games, video game consoles personal, and personal computers. The two companies' products that Pong and the Atari 2600, helped define the computer entertainment industry from the 1970s through the mid-1980s.

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