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Early registration HTC One in the United States Reaches Hundreds of Thousands Figures Users

Popularity of Android phones from HTC seems is starting to show positive signs. It was seen from the initial registration data obtained related to the U.S. HTC phones HTC One.

HTC United States reported that they had received several hundred thousand people who had to register early. This means that the initial registration of those who provide information email to HTC in order to obtain news and information related to the desired device. By registering early, consumers can obtain information early and can pre order faster.

HTC President of the United States of America, Jason Mackenzie said it was in talks with the providers and retailers in the United States related to the launch of HTC One. Some countries are already obtaining HTC One this week, such as the UK, Germany and Taiwan. However, as has been reported previously, due to the limitations of the component, HTC One will experience delays in the launch in a few places.

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