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Crysis 3 Compulsory Use VGA DirectX 11

Crysis 3
Crysis 3, a game that would become mandatory menu for gamers. Not only is it a fun FPS sensation, but the graphics are presented-was very intriguing. This game is also one of the greedy game hardware. No wonder the game is also used Bechmarking Software for the reviewer or overclocker.

Well, quoted from Crytek CEO Cevat Yerli the creator of the Crysis series, gamers who want to play Crysis 3 vga card should check whether they already support DirectX 11 or not. If not then upgrade vga is mandatory for Crysis 3 adapt fully DirectX 11 technology.

Indeed, leaks minimum specifications required to play Crysis 3 has been revealed before its game releases. It was also mentioned about the use of DirectX 11. It's just that, at first gamers do not consider it as a serious matter.

But alas, once confirmed directly by Crytek boss, by itself forcing gamers who are curious about the game is to reach into his pocket to upgrade vga card ever.

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