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Chinese New Internet System Ready Rocked the World

Chinese New Internet
China reportedly is developing an Internet network system more secure and faster than existing in Western countries. Like what?  

A report published last week by the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society said that China is currently developing the next-generation Internet network system on a national scale. The new system is believed to be greater than the networks that have been developed by the Western countries.  

Referring to the report of the New England Complex Systems Institute earlier this week, China's Internet future generations rests on the answer to two major gaps in the 'architecture of the internet'. The first gap is the inability of internet blocking malicious web traffic. While the second inequality is endless internet slots.

Reported Newscientist, when malware can quickly replicate and spread malicious traffic, the only Western country that online aggression response in individual terms. While China is already developing the internet a better defense.  

Mentioned that one of the main foundation of the next-generation internet system is a safety feature called Source Address Validation Architecture (SAVA).  

Security features SAVA was able to overcome the problem of online aggression by inserting a checkpoint on the entire network, and the checkpoints is to create a computer database that is consistent with the trusted IP addresses. So the result of data packets will be blocked if the computer and the IP address does not match.  

As for the second gap on the endless internet slots, China is ready to successfully develop Internet Protocol (IP) that will increase the number of slots the Internet to 80,000 trillion trillion times. IP-called Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6) is a new standard in China.  

"China has a major national network that operates under the IPv6 networking protocol as the original. We do not have anything like this in the U.S.," said Donald Riley, IT specialists from the University of Maryland who heads the Chinese American Network Symposium.  

According to Riley, China also operates a network of new generation, the ISP or internet service provider that enables IPv6 3TNet complete television program that can display a variety of streaming high-definition or high definition (HD).  

"If you think about the future of the Internet, anyone who explore this territory and first mapped, would have an absolute advantage. And this will happen in China with a number of human resources is huge," said Riley.

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