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'MiniDuke' Attacking Government Network in Several Countries

Computer security experts discovered that a malicious program called "miniDuke" has struck a number of state government computer networks.

A number of high-profile targets has been the victim of a "miniDuke" includes government agencies in Ukraine, Belgium, Portugal, Romania, Czech Republic, and Ireland, said computer security firm Kaspersky Lab in a press statement.

Besides them, a body of research, two think tanks, health care providers in the United States and a leading research institution in Hungary is also known to have been victims of the attack. Kaspersky Lab security experts working with CrySys Lab has analyzed the attack in detail and publish its findings.

Eugene Kaspersky, Founder and CEO of Kaspersky Lab, said, "This is a cyber attack which is very unusual. Malicious programming style I remember like it was in the late 90s and early 2000'an. I wonder if this kind of malware authors, who had disappeared more than a decade, suddenly rose again and joined the group of advanced threat actors are active in the cyber world. "

"The malware writers" old school "of this elite in the past is very effective in creating highly complex virus and now they combine their skills of writing malware to exploit sandbox-evading (avoidant sandbox) advanced by targeting government agencies or research institutions in various countries . "

Backdoor "miniDuke", according to Eugene Kaspersky, highly customized, written in Assembler program and the size is very small, only 20kb. The combination of malware writers 'old school' experience using the exploitation of newly discovered and with clever social engineering to attack high-profile targets are very dangerous.

Based on the analysis of Kaspersky Lab, an attack "miniDuke" is still active and creating malware on February 20, 2013.

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