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Google Maps 1.1 for iOS offer search speed spot

Google Maps 1.1
Upon return to the iOS and get permission from Apple in late 2012, now Google provided an update for the digital mapping applications.

There was some discussion at the end of last year because after Apple's 'kick' out Google Maps for iOS and create their own digital map application that is still far from expectations, eventually Google Maps to regain his place in the iTunes App Store.

In fact it was first released, Google Maps directly was ranked first as the most downloaded apps.

Since its release in December, Google finally gave an update to Google Maps. As reported by Mashable, Google Maps 1.1 offers a high place in the area of local search and also provide a new way to find a friend whose address is stored in the Google Contact is integrated with the iPhone.

Google also raises public icons such as restaurants, cafes and other Google Maps 1.1 is. For those who want to download a new update to Google Maps may soon visit the iTunes App Store.

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