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Destroy the News Feed, Facebook provides integration Instagram?

Ahead of the launch of the new look Facebook News Feed, emerging information about the details of the change. Application range of popular photo now owned Facebook, Instagram, is rumored to be taking part in the changes News Feed.

Reporting from Tech Radar, the latest report revealed, the display changes to the News Feed will include special content section separator integrated with Instagram and other applications. Based on reports from the website TechCrunch, Facebook changes will focus on how to filter the content.

These changes, among others revolve around specific news flow for photos with Instagram integration, which integrates music services like Spotify, as well as a special groove for other content.

Another aspect of the changes will also include a greater resolution than are currently displayed in the News Feed, which will benefit the social ads because the ads will look bigger. As a result, according to the report, the ads will be more vivid and visible.

But according to the report, the News Feed for Facebook mobile apps walkin likely will be part of the initial launch of the new interface.

As we know, Facebook has sent invitations to the media to come to their headquarters in Menlo Park, Calif., Thursday (7/3), local time. At the invitation says, "Come see a new look for the News Feed," or "Let's come to see the new look News Feed".

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