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Z10 vs Note 2, who is the most rapidly rotating YouTube?

Z10 vs Note 2
No fatigue analysts try to compare the Z10 with a variety of smart devices from other manufacturers. This time, Z10 back matched with a gadget that instead of being in class, the Galaxy Note 2.

Overview of course we can discern that this is a one-sided fight. On the one hand, the Z10 is still new and in-class smartphone. While on the other hand, the Galaxy Note 2 is more suitable than the usual smartphone called phablet.

However, because there are no definite rules to test smart devices, then it is fine if they are comparable.

This time, the debate was not a device specification where the most good. Only the default YouTube application which is the fastest.

The result, as shown in the video below, the Z10 proved capable of playing the same video than the Galaxy Note 2. Within a few seconds, when the Galaxy Note 2 still doing buffering, Z10 has started playing the video.

However, the resulting image is still better on the Galaxy Note 2. This is because the display technology used in the Galaxy Note 2 is more advanced.

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