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Temple Run Game for Windows Phone

Temple Run Game
Another of the popular mobile game can now be played by Windows Phone mobile phone users. Game Temple Run is a game which is one of the most popular games platform Android and iOS.

Unfortunately, this game is not the most recent games that have been released by Imangi Studios. As is known, the studio has released the game Temple Run 2 game for iOS and Android platform. Moreover, the launch of the game.

Temple Run game itself has been launched by Imangi Studios since 18 months ago. Moreover, Windows Phone game is not played with the Xbox Live platform.

In addition to the game Temple Run, there are other games that have just landed to the Windows Phone platform. Another popular game that has just landed on Microsoft's mobile operating system is Gravity Guy 2. The good news, game Gravity Guy 2 was supported by Xbox Live. There are also other games such as the 6th planet, Propel Man, Orcs Must Survive, Ruzzle, Fling Theory, and Drift Mania.

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