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'Attacked' Android, Apple Launches New Microsite

Shortly after the announcement of the Samsung Galaxy S4, Apple launched a new microsite devoted to assert superiority iPhone 5 compared to Android devices. 

The new microsite theme 'Why iPhone'. Interestingly this page was launched only two days after the announcement of the Samsung Galaxy S4. 

This page discusses the design of the iPhone 5, the award of customer satisfaction, excellence IOS, security, facilities owned by the App Store and the quality and popularity of the iSight camera along with other features. 

Best way to survive is to attack, and this is the way to survive Apple to maintain iPhone 5 from attack Android devices. 

One interesting feature to be discussed is the Retina Display on the iPhone 5, which according to them is the only product that uses these features, and has a super high resolution. Is this true? 

iPhone 5 has a screen with a resolution of 1136 x 640 with a pixel density of 326 ppi. Try to compare it with a screen resolution of 1080 x 1920 HTC's One, Sony Xperia Z and Samsung Galaxy S4, with a pixel density of over 440ppi. 

iPhone 5 is the only product that uses Retina Display. But according to Techradar, Retina Display rather a marketing term than a technology that consumers want. 

This is why some of the other high-end devices do not use this feature, because the manufacturer felt customers did not need it. 

The page also describes the power of the iPhone 5 battery life and processing power A6, as well as an 8 megapixel camera iSight sophistication. 

They call it the most popular cameras in the world by citing the fact that the iPhone 4, iPhone 4S and iPhone 5 devices with cameras are the three most commonly used to upload photos to Flickr. 

"When other smartphones use a large megapixel, taking quality pictures is better," Apple said in response to a range of 13 megapixel cameras and sophisticated cameras Ultrapiksel owned several Android devices. 

Apple also discusses his reputation as a manufacturer of hardware and software with minimal compared to Android malware threats. 

Clearly Apple wants to anticipate the presence of a variety of advanced smartphone devices presented competitors. 

With the iPhone 5, which has been first launched flagship smartphone than those belonging to the competitors, could this be a way for Apple to survive from the advantages presented by its competitors? 

Apple's three major competitors Samsung, HTC and Sony have launched a superior smartphone in the first quarter of this year. 

Interesting to wait as to what Apple will present its new iPhone after a fierce rivalry with its competitors such.

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