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Lenovo smartphone will Penetrated U.S. Market Next Year

Lenovo will begin to expand its smartphone market bikinannya. After obtaining quite good results in this year, Lenovo is also targeting expansion in the market next year. And who the target market is the United States of Lenovo.
Lenovo smartphone
 This was expressed directly by the CEO of Lenovo, Yang Yuangqing. In a statement, Yuangqing said it was still not satisfied with the results obtained in the PC segment. He also said that the smartphone segment is a new opportunity that is owned by the company.

Lenovo smartphone itself is quite popular in some countries. In China, Lenovo just lost smartphone from Samsung and a significant increase compared to 2011. In addition, in 2012 yesterday, Lenovo has great results in developing countries such as Indonesia and India.

Therefore, Lenovo was trying to expand the market by reaching the United States and Europe region. Specifically in the United States, Lenovo PCs into the top five with a percentage of the market by 9 percent.

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