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SleepMat Mattress Smart for Babies

Current technology can not only be enjoyed by adults. The baby gets the positive impact of current technological developments. One is the presence of a smart baby mat called SleepMat of SafeToSleep.

The existence of these SleepMat can eliminate little worries parents when the baby was sleeping. Parents do not have to commute to the baby's bedroom to see if the baby is asleep or awake. Not only that, the existence SleepMat also allows parents to compare the quality of the crib from day to day.

This is because SleepMat has the ability to see the baby sleeping conditions. How to use it fairly easily. There is a smart quilt that can detect a baby's sleeping habits. Furthermore, the baby was staying put on SleepMat and the sensors will be able to monitor sleep and breathing patterns of the baby. In addition, the sensor is also able to detect sound and movement.

Regarding the price, the device SleepMat sold for 329 USD. One set consists of several tools such as SleepMat own, monitor as well as a supporting application.

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