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Hitachi Maxell Batteries New 60 Percent of Larger Capacity

Hitachi Maxell
The battery of a smartphone and a tablet now be very aware. With a large capacity battery, smartphone or tablet users do not even need to bother to often charge the battery.

Not just an issue of capacity, a battery was required to have a minimum size. Moreover, now many manufacturers are busy-busy to bring smartphone-sized super thin.

To provide solutions to these problems, Hitachi also offers one of the newest battery products. Hitachi Maxell Batteries offered by the Japanese company is once again able to solve the two problems mentioned above.

This battery has 1.6 times more energy density than batteries currently on the market. By doing so, these batteries will also offer more capacity with the same size.

Values ​​over Batteries Hitachi Maxell is not only that. The company also added a technology that allows the battery to be more energy efficient. The move was done with a technology capable of monitoring the movement of lithium ions in the battery in real time.

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