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German Court Rejects Patent Filing Slide to Unlock from Apple

Slide to Unlock from Apple
The Court in charge of the subject of patent rights in Germany has just rejected patent filings from Apple. Patents is that they reject the slide to unlock technology that currently seems to exist on almost all types of touch screen mobile phone.

The patent application was rejected by the court, led by Justice Vivian Sredl. In the trial forum total there are five judges, in which two of them were reported to have a background in engineering.

This patent rejection decision was not done immediately. The court has held a hearing for a full day. But Apple still has not given up despite the filing of the patent has been rejected. The company is now led by Tim Cook is also eager to appeal.

With the rejection means that the victory granted by the court to Samsung and Motorola Mobility. But that of course depends on the appeals court decision that was made ​​by Apple.

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