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WeChat and Social Applications Messenger of Asia

WeChat and Social Applications Messenger
Hary Tanoesoedibjo, CEO of Media Nusantara Citra, setting high targets for the number of users of social messenger application WeChat in Indonesia. He was hoping to at least be in a position second only to China.

Hary optimistic that it could happen. Especially look at the number of Facebook and Twitter users here which includes five of the world. "People Indonesia was like talking and gossip," he said. 

Diah Kesuma, social media analysts, assessing the development of such applications is supported craze people to communicate. "Now even contrived specially for a chat," he said. 

Here are various instant messaging applications via mobile devices and mobile messaging from Asia that began mushrooming in the country. 

These applications rely on features of Group Chat. Unlimited number of members. This facility can be used to upload photos, videos, and schedules are synchronized with the calendar. 

In addition to serving as text chat, Cocoa claim free group call provider in the world. With this feature, users can call five other users via voice over Internet protocol. 

The application also offers local content, such as ghost-shaped emoticons pocong in various expressions. According to Kate Sohn, Vice President of Global Business Development Kakao Corp., emoticons teapot painted by local artists and can be downloaded for free. 

This application also has a special account holder, such as artist and Igor Fitri Tropica "Saykoji", which can be followed by other users. The user can accept and follow the messages that are sent by public figures. The application is compatible with devices based on iOS, Android, BlackBerry, and Windows Phone. 

One interesting feature of this service is Voice Chat, which send messages to other users audio recordings and received a similar message. The trick, just activate by pressing the designated name of a friend on the phone screen. 

At the bottom of the screen, there is a button that, when pressed, will activate the audio recording. If the button is released, the tape will be sent to designated friends. This recording will appear on the screen, and how to activate it simply by touching a finger on the display screen. 

This application also features a Video Call and Group Chat, which has a limited number of members. Another interesting feature is the Live Chat, which is referred to as real-time group walkie talkie and allows group members to greet each other. 

This application can be downloaded on mobile phones and tablets based on Windows Phone, Android, and iPhone. 

This application offers two main functions, namely text messaging and calling via the Internet. The application is experiencing growth in the number of users, particularly in Japan, after deciding to launch games, such as Bubble, IceQpick, and Zookeeper. 

Line also features Video Calls and Group Chat. While her trademark feature is a digital sticker. These stickers are like emoticons. There is a panda shaped, little girl, or a rabbit. 

It also features Shake It, in which the user must shake the phone. This will make your fellow inter-connected with other users who also shake the phone at the same time. 

To maximize the experience, Line also has a special application cameras, namely Line Camera, Line Tools, and Line Band, which became a sort of mini-style social network Facebook.

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