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This Smartphone Applications of Urine Disease Detection

Smart phone applications (smartphones) can now analyze the health condition of the urine wearer. The application uses the phone's camera.

The application Ucheck. He can test 25 kinds of health problems and can diagnose the disease in developing countries. The application is the brainchild of Myshkin Ingawale. "I want to get medical tests of the tool in my hand," he told the BBC.

Urine can be tested through 10 elements, such as glucose, protein, and nitrate. Application can be used for a variety of conditions including diabetes, urinary tract infections, cancer, liver problems, as well as used to test general health issues.

Users simply collect urine and dip the test strip into it. Strip with applications that can normalize the color of the lighting effects when the photo was taken.

After the photo is taken, the application will analyze the health condition. Applications will be available in the Apple app store by the end of March with a price of 20 U.S. dollars. Price includes base and five sticks.

The application will also be placed at King Edward Memorial Hospital Mumbai, India. Accuracy of the test will be compared to the laboratory results.

"If this is successful, it can be a mobile clinic. Instead of buying 10 thousand dollars for the machine, they can use existing applications in the phone," said Ingawale.

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