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In 2013 Smartphone Sales Expected to Exceed Sales Featurephone

Year 2013 is expected to be the first year in which smart phones aka smartphones will be more superior than featurephone. At least this is an estimate released by IDC.

They said that as many as 50.1 percent of all mobile phones sold worldwide are smartphones. That number will continue to increase from year to year. And, on the epidemic in 2017, the percentage of sales of smartphones will increase to a rate of 66 percent.

The main factor that makes the skyrocketing smartphone sales is the price of a smartphone. If used at the initial launch smartphone is an expensive device, now consumers can get a smart phone with a 1GHz processor and a 5MP camera with a very low price.

Furthermore, IDC also estimates that China will still be the biggest consumers for smartphones. They say that the number of consumers in China more than the number of consumers in the United States and Europe.

According to IDC estimates, most Chinese will not buy as many as 301 million units of smartphones this year. In the second place, most likely the United States with sales of 137.5 million units.

Then, what about the smartphone platform? Although today the new emerging mobile platforms, such as Firefox OS or Ubuntu, it is considered by the IDC would still undermine the superiority Android. Moreover, the price of an Android phone is now fairly diverse, from the expensive to the cheap.

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